Replacement Main Fume Filter To Fit Navitek S4 & S13 Personal Air Powered Welding Respirator
When the alarm sounds on the Navitek S4 or S13 air fed welding mask then it is time to replace your filter with a new one.
Very simple to do, simply turn off, snap open the filter cover twist and pull off the filter drum from the central holding hub. The new filter simply pushes on. Ensure when you fit the new filter the pre-filter wrap has been fitted around the outside as these extend the life of the main filter.
Wearing this mask ensures you breath clean filtered air whilst you are welding. Based on the HSE guide lines you may need other forms of LEV to work alongside your PAPR welding mask. Check out the government information as it depends on how many hours you weld per week or per session as to what LEV is required.
RPE will enable you to comply with HSE regulations STSU1-2019 for welding fume protection which now includes mild steel. When your local exhaust ventilation doesn't remove 100 % of the fume being produced then you need to wear PAPR as well to ensure you remain safe from welding fume.
For health & hygiene reasons these filters are excluded from our returns policy.